Microsoft Dynamics Solutions Blog

Leverage Microsoft Business Intelligence Through 'PowerBI'

Written by IES | Apr 29, 2015 2:26:00 PM

The digital landscape is alive with the ‘next-best-thing’ in business tools to help business owners generate new sales, track revenue or develop targeted campaigns. Admittedly, it’s tempting to invest in the latest software, or third-party applications, just to get on board with the latest trend in the hopes it will benefit the bottom line.

Without a doubt, when it comes to making sense out of the reams of data on customer preferences and the competition’s latest entry into the global market, for example, that 'new' software should offer enhanced analysis of collected data.

More importantly, companies are benefiting from today's business intelligence (BI) technology in gathering raw data and turn it into very useful information; this, to help them identify new opportunities in their marketplace, or help them plan their entry into new markets.

Some may think BI relates only to the gathering of such data, leaving the matter of interpreting totally up to the user without gaining that all-important insight into the data fields.

Microsoft Business Intelligence software debut a couple of years ago as a data mining module within Office 365: the platform picks out any patterns from the data to help owners make more intuitive decision-making. The software incorporates Excel and along with Power Query users can create spreadsheets and graphs on customizable Dashboards.

In addition, PowerBI’s geovisualization capabilities through using Bing Maps and the suite’s Power Map Tool delivers interactive maps showing key data points in specific locales.

To learn more about the powerful business tools offered by the Microsoft Dynamics software line,contact us.