Cloud Transformation and Migration Consultants

Best Practices for Cloud Transformation and Migration

Cloud Transformation and Migration Consultants

The widespread adoption of cloud technology has more organizations contemplating a leap to the technology. However, moving data and legacy infrastructure to the cloud proves daunting to many companies. Hiring a cloud transformation and migration consultant can help your company move past your challenges and position it to meet future demands.

What is Cloud Transformation?

Cloud transformation is moving your business data, software, and apps to cloud infrastructure. That way, you can align your company’s data management, security, and analytics with your digital transformation goals.

Increased Operational Efficiency

Today’s customers expect responsiveness at any time. Using cloud-based systems improves your ability to access critical data and collaborate in real-time. In addition, you eliminate data silos that hamper your analytics capabilities. IT gets the chance to focus on future improvements versus having to maintain legacy IT structures.

Better Speed

Along with efficiency improvements, cloud transformation helps organizations remain competitive in their industry. You can scale cloud technology as needed to accommodate new business initiatives. It’s a way for you to separate yourself from competitors and avoid delays that could prompt customers to start looking for other options.

Improved Security

You can add additional security layers to prevent hackers from finding ways into your systems. Businesses can also set up encryption to protect data. With the help of a cloud transformation consultant, you can set up your cloud hosting to create data backups to keep you from losing information in case of a disaster.

Lower Costs

A cloud transformation and migration consultant can show you how to save money with your move. There’s no need to make a huge upfront investment in hardware to set up physical servers. Instead, you only pay for what you use and gain the ability to scale up your services based on your current business needs.


Cloud migration involves moving some or all your data into the cloud versus hosting it on-premises. It’s often referred to interchangeably with cloud transformation. The main difference between the two is that cloud transformation represents one phase of an overall cloud migration strategy. Companies typically turn to a cloud migration consultation to gain the following advantages.

  • Increased scalability — You can increase the capacity of your cloud infrastructure to accommodate larger workloads. That helps your organization avoid the hassle of buying new software licenses, physical servers, and network equipment.
  • Better cost-effectiveness — Your IT personnel get freed up to set up and work on other initiatives to move the company forward instead of getting bogged down in IT operations.
  • Improved performance — End-users can access your applications from a web browser regardless of location. Web-hosted cloud applications scale to meet the demands of users or increased capacity demands, which cuts down on latency issues.
  • Better service — Your company benefits by improving the customer experience and giving the workforce access to more modern tools.

Common Cloud Migration and Transformation Challenges

The biggest hindrance for businesses considering moving to the cloud is drawing up a comprehensive strategy. It takes rigorous end-to-end planning to facilitate a successful migration. That’s where it pays to bring in the expertise of a cloud transformation and migration consultant. They can help you overcome other challenges that arise with cloud migration, including:

  • Setting up clear KPIs
  • Locking in the right vendor
  • Dealing with security and compliance issues
  • Evaluating data governance policies

Better planning gives companies a grasp of everything currently housed on-premises and how to deal with the complexity of underlying constructs. The help provided by a cloud migration and transformation specialist helps you understand what tools are needed to leverage the full benefits of your move to the cloud. You also receive assistance in speeding up your adoption of cloud services and overcoming problems like:

  • Dealing with haphazard security configurations
  • Siloed cloud projects with few sharing standards
  • Lack of resources for cross-team training
Common Cloud Migration and Transformation Challenges

Setting Up Your Cloud Migration and Transformation Strategy

Below are best practices to follow with the help of a cloud migration consultant. Doing so gives you the foundation to facilitate a successful shift to cloud computing.

1. Plan Your Migration

Look at the amount of data used by your organization daily. Use that for clues on how you need to work through your cloud transformation and migration. Gather a comprehensive inventory of all applications, servers, and supporting technology, including essential service connections. Visualize metrics you want to view from customized dashboards to gain real-time visibility into your cloud operations.

2. Monitor App Performance

Complete an inventory of the resources powering your applications like disks, CPU, and storage. You and your cloud migration consultant can glean essential insights into the overall health of your base systems. It’s also important to look at current system responsiveness and any common errors hindering your operations.

3. Review Compliance

Many industries must follow specific regulations, meaning companies must stay updated on new additions or changes to existing rules. Not staying on top of compliance can lead to civil and criminal penalties. It’s important to establish a baseline of all compliance policies and account for them when migrating to the cloud.

Setting Up Your Cloud Migration and Transformation Strategy

4. Go Over Security Concerns

Application safety is vital in a world where consumers and businesses depend on the internet for various needs. Take the time to learn about existing security issues or previous violations that haven’t been addressed. Resolve them within your on-premise instance, so they don’t carry over to your cloud environment destination.

5. Analyze Data Portability and Interoperability

Many companies use a mix of public and cloud providers versus relying on one. Having multiple cloud environments for running workloads the flexibility needed to support business functions. Data captured in one system can get used to perform analytics and gather insights to pass around the organization.

Setting up a centralized information collection strategy can drive portability and interoperability. That way, you don’t have to use many tools to see everything happening with data within your organization.  

Top Data Transformation and Migration Consultants

Get the help you need to facilitate your organization’s move to the cloud. Contact Internet eBusiness Solutions to set up a consultation with one of our cloud experts.

Data Transformation and Migration Consultants

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