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Why Microsoft Dynamics Is Key for Digital Transformation in Small Businesses

Posted by Alanna Friedberg on May 9, 2023 10:00:00 AM


In the past, small and medium-sized businesses didn’t always have the resources of large enterprises capable of investing in expensive ERP and CRM platforms. That’s changed thanks to solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365, which allow companies of any size to participate in the ongoing digital revolution. The platform represents a game-changer for small businesses looking for a powerful solution to support ongoing business growth. Let’s examine how Dynamics 365 for small businesses helps level the playing field. 

What is Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) system that provides businesses with customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) capabilities. In addition, the platform offers a suite of business modules to help organizations boost sales, provide exceptional customer service, and set up efficient business workflows.

The platform’s flexibility suits any industry, including construction, retail, and finance. Business users no longer have to bounce from one piece of software to the next to complete tasks. Dynamics 365’s business intelligence capabilities help company users work smarter. Because it’s based on cloud technology, team members can communicate and work together on projects regardless of whether they are in the office or working from home.

The advanced functionality and rich features make Dynamics 365 the ideal business solution for small companies. It’s scalable, affordable, and allows for customization based on an organization’s specific needs. Internet eBusiness Solutions (IES) specializes in assisting businesses in optimizing the capabilities of Dynamics 365 and other digital solutions.

What Does Dynamics 365 Offer Small Businesses?

The various SaaS modules provided by Dynamics 365 help small companies manage different aspects of their organization, including marketing, finance, human resources, and customer service. In addition, Dynamics 365 integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft collaboration and productivity applications, including Office 365 and SharePoint. Let’s explore how Microsoft for small businesses helps facilitate digital transformation.  

1. Data Management

It’s no secret that data has become the biggest asset for companies. Dynamics 365 provides robust data collection functionality, enabling organizations to collect information from various resources. From there, businesses can use Dynamics 365 analytics to generate insights that help company leaders make data-driven decisions.

2. Workflow Management

Dynamics 365 for small business allows companies to establish business process flows that ensure task consistency. For example, suppose company policy dictates that customer service representatives must fill out a form in a specific way. In that case, companies can set up a workflow ensuring they don’t forget to enter critical information. That cuts down on errors and speeds up productivity in different business areas.

In addition, companies can provide a streamlined experience for all users. Using the guided workflows reduces the need for extensive training for new users. The workflow guide shows users exactly what next step to complete, allowing them to get up to speed on their new job role quickly. Other ways that small businesses can configure workflows to benefit their company include the following:

  • Boost sales by establishing standard sales methodologies
  • Enable consistency in customer service responses
  • Supports governance by ensuring that business users follow required guidelines

3. User Access

If they can access an internet browser, business users don’t have to worry about getting cut off from critical business applications. Because it’s cloud-based, users can access what they need regardless of location. Everyone from marketing professionals to sales team members always has access to Dynamics 365 modules. Business leaders can pull critical reports required to support a presentation or go over results provided by data analysts.

How Do Small Companies Benefit from Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 is ideal for small businesses looking for a robust ERP solution. The platform’s modular design means organizations can choose different capabilities based on organizational needs. In addition, Dynamics 365 is subscription-based, so companies only pay for what their users require, which is great for small businesses working with tighter budgets.

Below are other reasons small businesses might consider Dynamics 365 to enable the digital transition.

  • Department integration — Use Dynamics 365 to facilitate collaboration between different business areas. Teams like marketing, sales, and customer service can coordinate their efforts to boost profits while providing better customer experiences. You can set up a single source of truth to ensure everyone in the company can access reliable information.
  • Business insights — Dynamics 365’s robust analytics engine allows small businesses to leverage data in ways that keep them competitive against larger enterprises. Analysts can quickly find patterns and relationships in data that drive more informed decision-making.
  • Intelligent automation — Small companies can set up automated workflows to handle time-consuming routine tasks. Even complex processes can be turned into a series of steps triggered by specific events. In addition, integrating Power Automate allows for more advanced no-code automation to connect with other services.
  • Scalability — Dynamic 365 accommodates small business growth. Companies don’t have to purchase additional hardware as they expand operations. Instead, they can sign up for new modules to support their need for improved security and mobility.

What Does My Company Gain With Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 allows businesses to handle thousands of transactions without issue. In addition, companies can deploy it in the cloud or as a hybrid solution. You can transition your old data to the platform using the help guides provided by Dynamics 365. It also helps to have a partner who understands how to install and optimize the platform for your small business needs.

If you’re already working with other Microsoft Products, Dynamics 365 has built-in integrations that let you pass information back and forth between different applications. IES supports companies by helping them transform and revamp manual processes and inefficiencies holding them back.  

There’s no need to feel hesitant about embracing technological transformation. Contact IES here if you’re interested in exploring how Dynamics 365 helps small businesses become digital powerhouses.  

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